International Day

Next Wednesday is International Day. The school council have decided that children can come to school wearing any of the colours of the Mexican flag. So instead of wearing school uniform, children can wear red, white or green (or all 3 colours! )

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Summer Market

There were lots of treats on display in this year’s Summer Market, so if you have a sweet tooth you were in luck!
The children will be deciding tomorrow how to spend any profits.








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 The Ofsted Inspection carried out before the holidays confirmed that our school is:

Outstanding in all areas!

 The summary of the key findings and the full report can be seen by clicking below:

411811 The Deans Primary School V12 Published report (June 2013).

They show how hard everyone at The Deans has worked to achieve

Outstanding in all the four areas judged by Ofsted inspectors:

1. Achievement of pupils

2. Quality of teaching

3. Behaviour and safety of pupils

4. Leadership and management

Nationally less than 10% of schools attain this grade.

None of this could have been achieved without the great team work from staff, pupils, parents and governors.

A big thank you for all your support, this is a fabulous achievement.