Mobile Phone

Please note, as stated in the last newsletter, the mobile phone number for The Deans is not longer working.  We are currently investigating ways of communicating with parents by mobile phone and should have some details after Easter. Until then please do not send any messages to the mobile phone number previously published as we are unable to receive the messages.

Climbing for a Kenyan School

Today, year 6 were sponsored by Mrs Frayne to go rock climbing at Moorside High School to raise money to build a school in Kenya. Our aim was to climb the equivalent of Mount Kenya and our try was successful! The event raised a fantastic amount of over £3,000 and we are all very proud of ourselves.

Netbook afternoon in Y3

This afternoon the children and parents worked together using a program called Photostory to create a presentation about the local area.  Some of the children had already taken photographs of Swinton using digital cameras and this afternoon we used these photos to create presentations as part of the geography topic about the local area.  We all had a great afternoon and produced some wonderful videos which I will post on the blog shortly. In the meantime, to see more photos have a look at the Y3 blog.


Today Eureka! came to the school and delivered a Science show to children in the Nursery and Reception classes, Years 1 and 2. It was called Splash! and was all about water.

We learnt about the water cycle, sang songs, played a game show and experimented with liquids, including giant bubbles!!!

Feel the Force

This morning the children in Years 3 and 4 watched a presentation by Eureka.  It was called  feel the force.  The children learned all about different forces including Newtons third law – For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.   You can see the demonstration using the skateboards above. Which demonstration did you enjoy the best?


This afternoon the children in Years 3&4 attembed a workshop lead by a lecturer from Manchester Metropolitan University.  The workshop was all about forces.  There were lots of demonstrations including ones about gravity, air resistance, pushes and pulls.  What was your favourite demonstration?

Science at Swinton High School

This morning year 6 went to Swinton High School we had to set fire to lots of different metals including magnesium and copper. We had a fantastic time!! When we set fire to the metals it gave of a really bright light so bright we couldn’t look at it burning, but luckily we could watch it the corner of our eye. If we looked straight ahead at it we would have been blinded!!!


This afternoon MMU came into school to work with Reception, Year 1 & Year 2. They had prepared lots of different Science activities for us to try from labelling parts of a plant and looking at it on the computer with a digiscope, to recycling and magnetism!

We all had lots of fun. Thank you MMU.

Science Week

This week is National Science and Engineering Week, and we are holding our own Science Week at The Deans. There will be a variety of activities taking place, with visitors to our school. Photographs will be put on the blog regularly.

Have fun, learn a great deal and enjoy our Science Week!!

Primary Schools in Kitui, Kenya

During our visit to Kenya we visited three different Primary Schools:  one in the centre of Kitui and the other two out in the countryside.  This video contains footage from all three schools and will hopefully give you an insight as to what Primary Schools are like in Kitui, Kenya.

Collaborative Learning in Years 3 and 4

This morning the children in Years 3 and 4 joined together to do a bit of collaborative learning. They were working together on a local area project and the children in Year 4 were showing their partners in Year 3 how to use Photostory on their netbooks.  The children worked fantastically well together and it turned out that there are some great teachers in Year 4!  In two weeks time the children will be inviting their parents into school and they will be continuing work on the project.  The children in Year 3 can’t wait!!

What’s on my Ipod?

This morning some teachers from MAPAS came to lead a workshop called ‘What’s on my Ipod’?  The children were introduced to all the instruments in the ‘band’ and decided that the drums were the ‘coolest’!  During the workshop the children listened to the band as well as singing, including a rendition of ‘Valerie’