Traversing Wall

All of the children (and staff) had a great time on the traversing wall today.  Each class has had their own turn on the wall and has been shown how to use it correctly and safely.  The goalposts and basketball posts are nearly complete and some further equipment will be installed next week.

Here  are Year 3 showing how to use the wall safely.

2013-09-05 10.10.59 (Small) 2013-09-05 10.13.09 (Small) 2013-09-05 10.20.44 (Small)

Welcome back!

Welcome back to the Autumn term. We hope you have all had a great summer holiday and are ready now to move up to your new class. We also welcome two new teachers to The Deans, Mrs Megram and Mrs Hunter who will be teaching in years 4 and 5.

Lots of work on lighting and the computer network has been taking place over the holidays as well as upgrading the playground. Unfortunately the work in the playground is not yet completed but you will see further improvements over the coming days.



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